Teenage Werewolves Club Dominion
Thursday, October 24, 2019
9:00pm - FREE - 21+
Aurea Vista (map)
3498 University ave
Riverside , CA, USA 92501
Other Info
Riverside, CA USA show October 24th. . . The Teenage Werewolves drive our show-girl Kitten de Ville from Hollywood, east along Route 60 to her home of RiVERSiDE. There the MunsterKoach will park at her favorite local night club, the beautifully dark Aurea Vista in the heart of downtown. Under the dimly-lit chandeliers, goth ClubDOMiNiON will host the Teenage Werewolves performance! ♣ 9pm doors & dance ♦ 10pm Teenage Werewolves show ♣ 11pm dance to a wide net of Goth, DarkWave, PostPunk, NewRomantic, 80s. 21+
https://www.facebook.com/events/2665981010106711/ — at Aurea Vista.

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